Should I Write a Book?

Monday 24 May 2010


Now I’m not claiming originality or anything, in fact I’m doing the opposite, just not going the whole way by falsely claiming originality for said idea. I am regurgitating banksy in a more literary form, so here goes.

Now I read once in the collected works of banksy something about walls, something to do with how amazing the world would look if everyone could just pick up a pen and draw on them, and not get stopped by the police telling you your defacing property when you are actually creating your masterpiece. And this made me think about how walls are complete obstacles to pretty much everything, well, free standing ones at any rate.

You see, walls are horrible. They are really boring; they get in the way and the CLOSE things off. They keep people out, and that is never good, I mean, privacy is overrated at any rate, but all this crap about keep off the grass and walling off large areas of the country for a few spoilt people to never look at for 300 years is plain silly. Where did the idea of buying land come from, I mean, it’s not like it’s a product that can be made or created on any commercial scale, ever the animal trader can claim to have a hand in his animals creation. Where as the land salesman has had no input on the land what so ever, except for what he put on there, which is for the general convenience of people anyway, and so could be built on any bit of land anywhere.

Wow, that was very scattered, tangent after tangent. Ok, let’s try to turn this constructive. Basically, I don’t see why you can’t “graffiti” walls? They would look so much better than dirty brick. And the walk to work would always be interesting; I think that was one of banksy’s lines, any way, yeah, so you could write or draw just what you were feeling, even collaborate with your friends and create this fresco of amazing images. I would be great. Sure, there would be those people who “cant draw”, but that just needs practice, and the crap stuff would be drawn over in a week or so anyway. You could watch people progress in their skills, add to their drawings, give advice and help to younger people, teach them.

I know I’m being idealistic and “out there” or “radical”. But to be honest, why not? I mean, it wont hurt, if you don’t like it, just paint over it.