Should I Write a Book?

Sunday 6 June 2010


I’ve been noticing that recently I have issues with people being overly private about things. An example, which is always handy, is when it comes to curtains. Now, I understand the need for them, light pollution is such a horrible thing. But those strange mesh things that “let you see out but don’t let anyone else see in”. I’m worried as to what sort of society we are living in when we worry about people looking into our homes. I know the home is private and I understand that people enjoy their privacy, but don’t you think it’s a little excessive. Why shouldn’t people be able to look through your window? To see that little sofa that you got from France when you were 24, or the shelves that are actually your coffin but none of your family have noticed yet. You see there is nothing for you to be afraid of about people looking in at your window. Thieves would break in anyway, and take what you have regardless, so being open does protect you there, which is, as far as I can tell, one of the few reasons why you would “protect” yourself from the outside world.

This is a really scatty and messy one, with little justification or reasoning, but its how I think, so, if you really want, question me, otherwise you will have to make do with what I’ve given you.
