Should I Write a Book?

Monday 9 August 2010

I know, two posts in one day, its a miricle!

Are there rules? Really? What is the law? From where I’m sitting, it is the wisdom of some people who are both short and long sited in a mix of different ways, who over stipulate, under stipulate and perfectly predict what society needs in order to function in a workable way. All three of these happen, sometimes at the same time when the society is making rules for its self, which leads to an imperfect society, but a functioning one. And if this is so, which I believe it is, then the rules of society have no superior sway; they have no “moral” power, being simply an attempt by society to regulate its self.

This then leads to another hunt for a rules system. How about religion? Religion has rules, hundreds of them, “the 10 commandments”, “The golden rule”. Full of them. So, these rules come from a divine deity, though a chosen homo-sapien, onto paper. They take life and gather followers, people who prescribe to these rules and take great care in following them. And then, over time, people begin to stop taking heed, they begin to ignore rules they dislike, and ignoring all of them, they stop believing, and then the words begin to die, they are printed out too many times, their power fades and they become a story rather than a truth, fiction not fact, and then they are no longer rules.

Now this begs the question, can rules be forgotten? If so then religion is still with a shot, but if not, then they are out on their arse, reduced to nothing but thoughtful mumblings of people wise before their time. What do you do to see if something is true, you test it. Let’s take an ancient South American religion, one that is lost in time. Now there are two “god existence” theories, that god(s) create man, or that man creates god(s). If god creates man, then the god is unreliant on man for existence, and the rules will exist independent of man kind’s existence, as god created them, and as long as god exists those rules will exist. The other option is that man created god, in which case, when man kills god/the religion that created him, through forgetfulness or boredom the rules will die with him/it/her.

So, there is one possible yes answer. That rules exist through god. However, this hits a fairly large and unavoidable snag, why are there so many gods? And who, if anyone is right, are they all right? Seeing as god created humanity, he/she/it must be pretty powerful, which would, though not too much reasoning, result in the assumption that he knows what he is talking about, thus, why are there so many contradictions in rules? This religion says cows are sacred, this religion pigs are inedible, the list goes on… so if you are to say yes to the existence of rules through god, then I would love to know which one and why, because I cant see any reason why any one god has any more power than the other, and of course, the only way that the rules could exist through god is if he created us, which would make the size of his following immaterial.

I’ll tell you what, I will get back to you on this one.

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