Should I Write a Book?

Wednesday 24 March 2010


I am an elitist. That is not to say that I believe that some people are fundamentally better than others, simply that some people are warranted greater influence over certain matters than others. To give you an example, a builder of 5 years experiences would have greater consideration take of his opinions on building, than say a chemist of 5 years. This is because of his expertise. Now in the field of chemistry, I would trust the chemist more than the builder. Everyone can follow my logic here, yes? Therefore, why not have and trust experts in other fields, such as politics.

There is a great example of the scientist David Nutt, who, to those of you who either don’t know or cant remember, was fired from his post because he told the government what they didn’t want to hear, that cannabis is in fact less harmful that alcohol, I know, its groundbreaking news, just makes you want to rip down the fabric of society and kill your neighbour doesn’t it (sarcasm). On a serious note, this is where experts were ignored. In politics there are few experts, and those who are do not have expertise in what society would consider meritable or universal areas. The manipulation of others, the twisting of words, the price of the soul, all these things that politicians make a art out of, and none of which help run a country.

And now, for my proposition, appoint more experts, and less political experts to the House of Lords, and give them greater power. As you can see now, I have a common format, I will probably break it next post, but there we have it, I make a point, explain it, link it to reality, and then give you a solution. Don’t you just wish I was your leader? (…sarcasm)

Beethoven is a MASTER.

Saturday 13 March 2010

No Readers...?

I feel some obligation to write another post, regardless of the fact that there are no readers, probably never will be, we will have to see… I’m not too sure what to say either, I had a perfect idea earlier today, but that was earlier today, so I have forgotten now.

I have managed to acquire the discography of the Flaming Lips. Who are awesome, truly awesome. I saw them once, at a festival in Holland, I wasn’t even intoxicated at the time, it was one of the coolest things I have ever seen, he (the lead singer) got into this enormous see through plastic ball and walked across the crowd. There were confetti cannons going off, trumpets and massive light displays all around. It was like being in the light fantastic, it was great! But back to the main point, I find it really nice when you can listen through a bands music and see progression; the Beetles are a perfect example, if you listen to “with the Beetles” or “please please me” and then to “the white album” or “abbey road” then you can really see how they have evolved and changed. Its true with Radiohead too, they have really grown from what they used to be, and it’s really pleasant to hear how. The Flaming Lips do this too, they are all rough and messy in the start but now they are smooth and interesting, grown up you could say.

I love music.

Monday 8 March 2010

My View on Democracy

Now democracy… is seen as a double edged sword, we give people power, through trust and belief in their honesty and morality. We trust them to act on our behalf and do what is good for the nation, yes? They represent us in our mini version of the nation, parliament or congress or so on, and they act in our best interests, yes?


I know that people don’t like it, I know for not a fact because I hear people talking about it all the time, and that is not a fact that is the public hegemony. In the society we live in, we hate having to trust people with power; we are brought up in a capitalist society where the only person we can trust is us. And even then there are doubts. We give the keys of the nation to people we elect based on a few speeches and a document written by someone who has met the subject once. Yet we elect people based on this. It makes no sense.

It is understandable to have a form of representative democracy, I mean, there are 60 million people in the UK, and I don’t think anything would get done if you had to ask 60 million people every time you wanted to raise the salaries of MPs. (I know MPs wouldn’t exist if it was a direct democracy, but they seemed like a good candidate, if it pleases you so, substitute “civil servant” in there instead). Why no make things smaller? Why not have a smaller society that can deal with direct democracy, have civil servants that don’t exist, remove bureaucracy and the capacity for paper pushing. Why not?

Also, my favourite trousers ripped today, don’t buy chords from NEXT and walk 5 miles a day in them…

Sunday 7 March 2010

...First one?

So, I suppose this is the first of possibly many. I will make no apologies for anything I write on here, including contradictions. I’m human, despite some contrary opinion, and am as prone to mistakes or idiosyncrasies as anyone else. Book or film references are rife, so 10 points to anyone who spots them, I love media, even if I don’t get it, but there will be a lot of that, most of what I will say will probably be about how I don’t understand things. Still, that is who I am, I think I am done here for now, no doubt there will be some alterations and rewrites, but once again, I’m human, not a machine.